Dian Soeryo
THALGO Brand Manager
p: 021 6530 5300 m: 0856 783 66 67
Magda C
PT. Jaya Fajar Lestari
Tel: +62 21 641 3036 | Fax: +62 21 6471 6698
HP: +62 818 0696 6352
Email: ms.magdachan@gmail.com
Linea Andiani
PT. Universal Aesthetics Asia Pacific
M: +62 8119300953
Vionna Wong
Sole Distributor in South East Asia and Maldives
Eminence Organic Skin Care
Ph & Whatsapp: +62 812 8250 5353
WA2: +62 822 1111 0222
Email: vionna@eminenceorganics.id
The Bali Spa and Wellness Association (BSWA) is a non-profit organization representing Bali’s spa and wellness industry. The BSWA was established in 2005 to develop and promote Bali’s spa offerings through education, exchange of ideas, networking and growth initiatives.
©2019 Copyright Bali Spa & Wellness Association. All Rights Reserved.